
Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss treatment is the process of using medication, surgery or other methods to restore lost hair. It can be used to treat both hereditary baldness and nonscarring hair loss. Hair loss treatment options include topical minoxidil (Rogaine(r)) and oral finasteride (Propecia(r)), as well as hair transplants, scalp reduction surgery and hair replacement. The type of hair loss, patient expectations and the underlying cause of hair loss determine which method is most suitable.부산탈모

Hair growth can be impacted by many factors, including medications, stress, diet and lifestyle. In general, a healthy lifestyle is associated with good hair health. Hair loss can also be caused by thyroid disease, genetics and hormone changes. Other conditions that can cause hair loss include alopecia areata, anagen effluvium and telogen effluvium. Alopecia areata causes hair to fall out in patches, usually in circular patterns. This condition can be mild or severe, and it can occur on the head, arms, legs or other parts of the body. It can be triggered by illness, surgery, high levels of stress, nutritional deficiency and certain medications. 서면탈모 Telogen effluvium is a type of nonscarring hair loss that occurs when more than 100 hairs reach the end of their growing phase each day and fall out. This condition can result from many types of physical and emotional stress, and it may also be triggered by hormonal changes, such as those that occur during childbirth or menopause.

Women who are experiencing thinning hair, called female pattern baldness, can benefit from a low-level laser device that stimulates follicles and increases circulation to the scalp. Other treatments that encourage hair growth include protein supplements, dietary changes and medications such as spironolactone (Finasteride(r) or aldactone), estrogen (Premarin) and finasteride.

There are a number of cosmetic options for women who are experiencing hair loss, including camouflage sprays and wigs. Hair transplants and scalp reduction surgery are surgical procedures that involve moving hair from areas of the head with more fullness to balding areas. Hair replacement involves a variety of techniques, including micro-grafting, slit grafting and punch grafting. Some patients who are not candidates for these methods of hair replacement are women with a wide-spread pattern of thinning, people who form keloid scars and those who do not have enough “donor” sites on the scalp.

Alopecia is a frustrating and confusing condition that can have serious psychological impacts on its sufferers. Although hair loss is a natural part of the aging process, it can be distressing and affect self-esteem. The best way to manage alopecia is to identify the cause and treat it as quickly as possible. Changing your diet and exercise routine, managing your stress levels, and using a hat or scarf to hide hair loss are simple steps that can help. If your doctor is unable to find an underlying cause, other treatments for hereditary baldness can include medications such as spironolactone, aldactone, or the FDA-approved pill dutasteride (Avodart). In some cases, these may help slow or stop hair loss and even promote regrowth.