Hairline Correction

Hairline correction

Hairline Correction

Hairline correction is the surgical procedure that reduces or alters a patient’s forehead and hairline to provide them with a more balanced facial frame. The procedure is most often used to lower an upper hairline that is too high and creates a widow’s peak. It can also be used to correct an irregular or asymmetrical hairline that results from the early stages of male pattern baldness. In some cases, this is combined with a face lift to achieve the desired outcome.남성헤어라인교정

The procedure can be performed on either the top or frontal part of the scalp. The surgeon draws marks on the scalp to indicate where the new hairline should be placed and then loosens the hair-bearing scalp tissue to move it forward by about five centimeters. This creates a more natural, curved line that helps to balance the symmetry of the forehead and face. It is also important that the hairs along the new hairline are small, fine single hairs in order to help create a normal feathering margin (Fig. 11). Irregularity and asymmetry are important components of a natural restoration, and a perfectly straight line can look unnatural even with small natural grafts.

Some patients have a naturally high or wide hairline that does not need to be corrected; however, this is rarely the case and many such patients come in for a revision procedure because they did not understand the principles of natural hairline design. Other patients have had previous hair restoration surgery, usually with the old pedicle flap method, that resulted in a very straight or low hairline that does not blend well with the rest of their head and facial features.

It is also possible that the skin of the scalp is not sufficiently elastic to allow for the desired lowering of the hairline without a forehead reduction. In such cases, a tissue expander may be placed under the scalp, which over the course of six weeks will gradually stretch the skin to allow for the desired lowering.

Another option is the use of scalp micropigmentation, which is a permanent solution that works for both men and women and can address an uneven or asymmetrical hairline. This technique is not as invasive as a full hair transplant, but it does require a skilled technician to get the best results and can be more costly. A consultation with an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon can determine if this is the right option for you. This can be performed in our Tampa office or through our video conference service. The doctor will examine your forehead and other areas of the face to determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. You should also inform the physician of any medications you are taking or have recently taken, as well as any other medical issues that could affect your treatment. This will help to ensure a safe procedure and optimal results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. 모우다의원